• Thought Leadership

    Highlights of my research and writing on topics ranging from entrepreneurship to impact investing

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    Refugee-Led SMEs

    A Market Assessment of Syrian SMEs in Turkey

    Findings about economic contributions of small and medium-sized enterprises led by Syrian refugee and migrant entrepreneurs in Turkey

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    Diversity & Inclusion

    The Untapped Potential of Supplier Diversity in Turkey

    Research brief on the global practices of supplier diversity, including refugee inclusion, and its potential in Turkey

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    Refugee Lens Investing 

    Unlocking Refugee Self-Reliance
    in the UK

    A market assessment of Refugee Lens Investing opportunities from employment to entrepreneurship

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    Refugee-Lens Enterprises

    Investor Showcase Publication

    A refugee-lens small business growth program, culminating in a showcase to facilitate connections with impact investors and other support

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    Social Enterprise & Impact Investing  

    Balancing Markets and Values

    A pioonering report about impact ventures, researched and co-authored with Catherine H. Clark, in collaboration with Investors' Circle and Social Venture Network

  • Professional Highlights

    Experienced in organizational leadership, program design and execution, partnerships,

    business development, research, and external relations

    Entrepreneurship and Strategy Lead,
    Refugee Investment Network

    I lead development of regional refugee lens investing programs and research; advise impact investors and corporate impact initiatives; establish partnerships; build a global community of refugee-owned and refugee-supporting businesses and social enterprises.

    Program Director,
    Building Markets

    My leadership contributed to securing multi-year, multi-million-dollar grants for projects in Turkey and Jordan, providing support and visibility to over 2,000 refugee-led businesses to create local jobs.

    Executive Director,
    The American Turkish Society

    I mobilized supporters around a new vision of US-Turkey relations and established a high-profile annual event celebrating corporate leaders and partnerships. Wide-ranging programs I designed and executed included policy discussions, conferences, educational grants, and cultural events.

    Consultant & Advisor

    Participated as an external expert for global organizations, including IOM, Village Capital,

    World Economic Forum, and SPARK.



  • Education

    Trained in business, economics, and social enterprise

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    Columbia Business School


    Social Enterprise, Management. Entrepreneurship

    Beta Gamma Sigma


    Tashman Turkish Fellowship, awarded to students with promise of continued high achievement, a sincere desire to improve the lives of others, and leadership skills


    Tamer Center for Social Enterprise  

    Teaching/Research Assistant in Social Entrepreneurship; Leadership in Net Impact and Global Social Venture Competition; Summer Fellow at Endeavor Global


    Impact Investing (Columbia Business School Executive Education, May 2023)



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    Colorado College



    Summa Cum Laude


    International Merit Scholarship

    International Advisory Board for Alumni

    Senior Thesis Award in Economics: Migration and Labor Markets




    Let's connect and explore what we can do together

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